Friday, December 5, 2008

Here are the top five reasons you should never give your big sister the password to your blog!!
#5 When you go to her house and pick up her camera and start taking pictures of yourself she will save them to use against you someday!!
#4 She may have pictures on her computer of you, that you never knew exsisted!!
#3 She will post pictures of you that you would never post yourself!!
#2 She didn't give you her password!!
#1 No matter what she does, you have to love her anyway!!!


Victoria said...

HaHa!! That's hilarious. Cute boys!!!

Doty Family said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!! I looked at Andie's blog today and saw you blog on the side and I was like who is this?? Didn't even know you were thinking about it! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

You're so funny! I love it! I hope you had a blast for your birthday. Aaron says, I hope you guys caught the short bus. LOL! Carters. turds, I tell you. Well what does that say about us. I must of been drunk or high when we got married. At least that's what I should tell everyone. LOL!!!